Website Hosting
At this point I have the domain and I’d like to find hosting for Let’s outline some of the requirements I have: $0 cost is highly desirable Easy HTTPS certificate management is a plus Publishing new content should be simple There are two hosting providers I’ve tinkered around with in the past that I decided to explore further. The first is GitHub Pages. It’s free and publishing new content is simple. It works by creating a GitHub repository and pushing content up. In the most basic case, you create HTML/CSS/JavaScript content locally and do a git push to publish your website updates. They also have integration with a static site generater called Jekyll. Making use of the integration, you can create content in markdown and push that to the Git repo. After that, GitHub runs Jekyll on their platform to build your website from the markdown. GitHub Pages does let you choose a custom domain, but they do not offer HTTPS built in. To accomplish that, we can introduce Cloudflare as a proxy. This great because Cloudflare has built in support for using Let’s Encrypt so it will handle creating and updating the certificates for you. ...